Hands Up Foundation is now Action Syria

Urgent need for aid

The conflict in Lebanon is escalating rapidly. Bombings on both sides are causing widespread destruction, particularly in the south and north-east of the country. Thousands of families have been displaced in just a matter of days. People are terrified, and there are simply not enough safe places for them to seek refuge. While some Lebanese have been able to cross into Syria, many Syrian refugees do not have that option. 

Our school, a beacon of hope for so many Syrian refugee children, has now become a shelter for displaced families. Classrooms that were once filled with eager learners are now providing temporary homes for 24 Syrian refugees. Despite the dire circumstances, we are determined to continue supporting both the Syrian refugee community and local Lebanese families. 

How you can help

We are working with SAWA to provide immediate essentials like hygiene kits, mattresses, and ready-to-eat meals for those forced to flee. But the need is overwhelming, and we cannot do this without your help. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a difference. 

Together, we can provide families with the safety, dignity, and support they so desperately need during this unimaginable time. 

Donate now and help us respond quickly and effectively to this unfolding crisis. Your support matters, now more than ever. 

  • £29.89 could provide essential sleeping gear for a Syrian refugee seeking shelter. 
  • £67.26 could provide three family hygiene kits. 
  • £114.96 could ensure a displaced family have something to eat with ready to eat meals.  
  • £256.94 could provide essential sleeping, food and hygiene provisions to a Syrian family of four. 

Any donation you give today, could help provide support in Lebanon and across all our programmes supporting all Syrian communities in need. 

Join us to make a positive difference to Syrian communities.

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