Hands Up Foundation is now Action Syria

Join us for our 10th annual candlelit carol concert

On Wednesday 27 November, we will be celebrating our 10th Annual Candlelit Carol Concert at the historic St Bartholomew the Great in London.

This year’s concert will feature readings by some of the UK’s most celebrated figures, including renowned author Michael Morpurgo. You can look forward to an evening of heartwarming carols, festive drinks, and delicious Middle Eastern-inspired food provided by Toum & Tahini, set in London’s oldest surviving church, St Bartholomew the Great.

Marking 10 Years of Support for Syrian Communities

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Action Syria’s Carol Concert (formerly the Hands Up Foundation), raising money to provide aid and support to Syrian communities.

Rose Essam, CEO of Action Syria, said: “While we dream of a world in which our work is no longer needed, the emergency is not over. 16.7 million people in Syria need humanitarian aid; we cannot stop now. 

“This concert is a powerful opportunity to come together and show solidarity with the millions of Syrians who continue to face the unimaginable. We are incredibly grateful for the support of our readers, partners, and guests who help us shine a light on this ongoing crisis while raising money to provide the support and aid that vulnerable communities need most.”

A Call to Support a Forgotten Crisis

Although the crisis in Syria is no longer in the headlines, the need for support is still great. After more than a decade of conflict, displacement, and the devastating earthquakes in February 2023, many people in Syria still urgently need help. This concert is a chance to raise awareness and funds to support them.

Join Us for a Night to Remember

Tickets: Early Bird tickets will be available for purchase from October. Sign up to our newsletter to receive a 10% discount on Early Bird tickets.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join us for a memorable evening of music, readings, and community, all in support of Syrian communities.

Join us to make a positive difference to Syrian communities.

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